Coming back to the book I picked first, "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living". I didn't pick this because I need it. Not that I don't worry and my life is perfect. I do worry about somethings at sometimes, but I don't stop living. I kind of also learned to deal with worries over the past few years. If you have read my previous posts some of them talk about troubles/problem/worries in life, and how we don't deal with them and just give up. I started to read this book at the airport and continued it after boarding the flight. May be this is the first book(non-academic) that I have read with so much interest and concentration. I was so much into it. I read couple of chapters and I liked most of it, because I already follow most of the rules and formulas that were listed in the book to manage/minify worries in day-to-day life.
But the main magic formula by Willis H. Carrier, was something I liked the most because knowing or unknowingly that is the formula of my life from a really long time. I know a lot of people who follow this, and also know a lot of people who should follow this. Tt is really simple, check it out.
"When ever you worry about something. Try this:
1. Ask yourself, "What is the worst that can possibly happen if I can't solve my problem?
2. Prepare yourself mentally to accept the worst--if necessary.
3. Then calmly try to improve upon the worst--which you have already mentally agreed to accept."
- Willis H. Carrier
It's been a week since I last read this book, I am back to my routine life and kind of shelved the book, but I will go back to it and finish it, because I didn't buy this book for myself, I will pass this on to my friends who might need it.